Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Paper Girl

I wonder.
I wonder how it will going be.
I wonder what your mind thinking?

You just like Margo Roth Spiegelman.
When I think about you, I always think the back of your head.
I picture cracking your lovely skull, unspooling your brain, trying to get answers.

You may say all those movie I watched or the book I read,
I might in too deep about the character and make compare with you.
Truth is, there are some element inside of you that I can make imagine. 
If not, why all those movie entitle "This is based a true story" then will be a good movie? 
I think because all those real life experience, so I will make compare and imagine always.

So, Margo is a special one, until now who I can think of in my real life Margo, is you.
Why you? 
1. She always think sometimes people are fake, she said those are paper people.
2. She is a good planner and a dare devil.
3. She want to disappear and not to be found, start real fresh. 

You could say:"That not even like me."
But this is how I imagine what you like.
I can imagine what you look like, but never quite perfectly.
Because people are people, you can't force them to do or look what you want them look like.
Maybe by imagining these futures we can make them real, and maybe not, but either way we must imagine them.

Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will. But then again, if you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all

Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't how they actually are.

It always seemed so ridiculous that people want to be around someone because they're pretty.
It's like basing your breakfast cerely on colour instead of taste.

Leaving feels good and pure only when you leave something important, something that mattered to you.
Pulling life out by the roots. But you can't do that - until your life has grown roots.

Some quotes from "Paper Towns".

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